Our New: Healthy Homes Report

Our new report ensures your property meets the new legislation.
1 JULY 2021 – From this date, private landlords must ensure that their rental properties comply with HHS within 90 days of any new tenancy.
1 July 2021 – All boarding houses must comply with the HHS.
1 July 2023 – Kāinga Ora – Homes, communities and Registered Community Housing Provider houses must comply with the HHS.
1 July 2024 – All rental homes must comply with the HHS. The healthy homes standards introduce specific and minimum standards for heating, insulation, ventilation, moisture ingress and drainage, and draught stopping in rental properties.
What CheckHome Healthy Homes reports include:
Owning an investment property can pay off over the years, but it is important that you provide a healthy living environment for your tenants.
Checkhome has developed a comprehensive Healthy Home’s report to ensure your rental property complies with the new Healthy Homes standard.
CheckHomes Healthy Homes report points of difference:
- Our report is an independent report covering all aspects of the Healthy Homes Standards.
- Well set out and easy to understand.
- Every area is photographed, time and date stamped if the report is required at tenancy tribunals at a later date.
- If areas are not-compliant, these are explained why and what would be required to bring them up to a compliant standard.
A complete healthy homes report customised to your home or commercial building includes:
• Heating – We determine if the heating in place at your property complies with the healthy home standards or what heating would be required to comply. The World Health Organisation recommends a minimum indoor temperature of 18 degrees.
• Installation – We determine if the accessible ceiling and underfloor insulation complies with the healthy home standard. Minimum R-values differ throughout New Zealand, therefore, we ensure your property complies with your correct climate zone.
• Ventilation – We determine whether your kitchen and bathroom have sufficient ventilation if not we recommend what is required to comply with the new legislation.
• Moisture ingress and drainage – We determine if your properties subfloor requires a ground moisture barrier.
• Draught stopping – We determine if there are any unreasonable gaps or holes in walls, ceilings, windows, skylights, floors and doors which cause noticeable draughts. If found we provide viable solutions to comply with the standard.
CheckHomes point of difference is we are solution-based, we help with recommendations including partnering with other trades so that your property can be compliant.
If you want to know more about the heathy homes standards via a government source please check out these two links below. They give in-depth information on the legislation and policies set and the dates these will be enforced.
Ministry of Housing and Urban Development
Healthy Homes Standards and Legislation 2019
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